Hello all, I want to give you an update on how my habits journey has been going so far as we are almost to March 2025. The success and the not so big successes will be covered.
First, I am happy to say I am into my 9th blog post. I have done one post a week for about two months. So far so good, a habit I am glad I am keeping going. It holds me accountable and responsible. Especially as I continue this post the accountability is even more important.
Next my penny doubling is under way (see last week’s blog) I am up to $2.56. It’s been fun and cool to see how it adds up. I hope by next week to up to $163.84. I can smell my first million (eyeroll as I type that)
Monday, I went to the doctor to get my A1C tested, and well to honest it wasn’t great. As part of this accountability and responsibility I’ll give you the break down. The number was 7.4 which is not good. I was 5.9 about 18 months ago and 6.7 about a year ago so it has been climbing. I know exactly why, poor food choices. A1C includes about 3 months on average of eating and other factors. Therefore, this included December of 2024 which was a terrible eating month. The doctor took into account that. Unfortunately, no change in my meds. I have no one to blame but me. I am improving but not at the point of eating like a healthy active persona I want to be. I still have weight to lose and eating I want to improve. Especially the undesirable habit of eating highly processed, high sugar foods. Not that it’s works fault but so many good things were being made and brought in. Add the doughnuts and other treats people pick up for the office and I couldn’t or better yet I didn’t want to resist.
On a positive note, my movement has been great. For almost two months, I have been consistently going to the gym 3-5 times per week doing strength training and cardio. I have moved up to being there just 5 minutes to now almost 40. My endurance and strength have increased. I have to say this is the best I have ever done and it’s a habit. I don’t see it ending, I enjoy it too much. I hope with spring coming up with nicer weather and longer days there be even a bigger change.
With that being said, there is still a very popular saying out there that states “You can’t outwork a bad diet”. There has to be a balance between exercise and nutrition to be healthy. There are some things that small habits will eventually help and make progress. I am still a firm believer in that. My consistently at working out is solid proof of that. But there are times when bigger habits, bigger results are needed at a faster pace. The case in point with my A1C. I have a doctor’s appointment in 3 months to get rechecked. That is an opportunity to get my habits inline, my weight down and my sugar under control.
Is this easy to type and let you know? Of course not, but the whole reason I started this blog was for accountability. A form of measurement to start my desirable habits. So now I am doing that.
What’s the plan? First and foremost is to stop eating highly processed sugary foods. Also avoid eating out because of all the extra salts and other things they put in it. I am going to try changing the timing of my first meal to see if it helps my workouts and also my eating habits. I may try some more things as well and I will keep you updated. Once again, nothing changes if nothing changes. I have to make changes!
Am I discouraged, depressed, bummed out? Nope not really, maybe just more focused. I am getting back up and taking another swing. I believe you don’t fail until you stop trying. There is an Asian proverb that says “Get knocked down 6 times, get up 7”. I believe that too. As a famous fish once said “Just keep swimming!” So here I go again, tiny habits that lead to big changes. Trust me if it doesn’t work you will be some of the first to know.
Let’s stick this out together. Let’s keep changing and growing. I am on your side, let’s do this.
Until next time, take care and keep showing up
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