About 30 years ago when I was managing a small auto parts warehouse, we hired a young man to work in there. Let’s call him Kenneth. He was a hard worker and had great attendance. There are 2 things that stand out that I remember about Kenneth. First, as a young child he was in a household accident that caused him to be engulfed in flames. His body was severally burned over about 85% of his body, with severe disfiguring scars all over including his face and head. The second thing was how he dressed. He dressed in country western style. I remember he had the bluest jeans, clean, pressed and sharp. He wore western shirts in vivid colors, clean and pressed. His cowboy boots were spotless. His cowboy hat was perfection. He dressed like this most of the time. On occasion he would wear those jeans and boots and the cleanest, neatest t shirt I can remember. He wore a scent of cologne and was always dressed like a dignified man. I don’t know what happened to Kenneth but I do remember he was not only sharp dressed but had a laid-back friendly personality. The kind of guy you could just chill with. After just a few minutes, talking with him, you never even noticed the burn scars. It proves no matter what we look like at the moment, if we want to improve our appearance we can do little things that add up to a lot.
Many of us want to improve our appearance this year. Yes, losing or gaining weight is probably a big one in that field. We want to have an attractive appearance. Some might want to dress better, look better. We may not like our teeth or our nose or our hair or lack of it (in my case). We want to give a good first impression, make people relaxed. As you can see appearance can drift off into different aspects of life. No matter our shape, our features we can improve our appearance if that is what we want to do.
For me, this is a habit I developed before reading Atomic Habits. I was in this fashion rut so to speak. I had lost quite a bit of weight but still had about (and still have) about 15 pounds to lose. My clothes to me, though clean and neat, had begun to look baggy on me and ill fitted. So, I kept telling myself when I lose these 15 pounds I am going to buy some new clothes. Can’t wait. Well, a year went by, and still had those pounds. Another was going by and still had those pounds and those over sized clothes. Around the end of September 2024, I said enough. I watched some videos on style for men and went out and bought some clothes that fit who I was at the moment. Worked with some colors and got rid of my “Mr. Rogers” sweaters. About once or twice a week I wore a tie to work, used cologne a couple of times and just tried to pay more attention to my appearance. People at work noticed and complimented me. Some asked “You have a job interview?” in a laughing manner. But in a little bit of time people got used to me dressing a different way and even more so I enjoyed it. I’m still maintaining this habit to this day.
Good appearance habits, where does one start? Start small and be consistent. Hygiene is a good place. Bathe regularly, wash your hair, brush your teeth and take care of your nails. Maybe develop a skin care routine. To many this sounds basic. To others it’s not, it’s a true challenge. Next look at your clothes. Your clothes don’t have to be expensive, make sure they fit and are clean .Make those small adjustments. There at lots of videos and information on style and how to dress. Invest some time and you will be amazed how small changes can make a difference and improve self-confidence.
In the end it’s not about expensive flashy clothes or trying to outdo everyone. It’s the basics. Own the basics. People can tell when you make an effort in your hygiene, grooming and clothes. If right now you can only wear sweats and t shirt. Get a nice pair of sweats and a clean crisp t shirt. If you wear those when you go out then set them aside for that occasion. Use your older not so great ones for around the house. Then put your nice ones on when you go out. I’m just throwing out what ifs. Look at your circumstances your habits and start adjusting. There is so much content about dress and grooming you will have a plethora of information.
Like any habit you want to develop, just show up. Keep trying, do something now no matter how small. Brush your teeth, floss, whatever. Just get going my friend and your appearance will follow along. You will fill confidence enter into you. It doesn’t matter how you look. Heavy, thin, with scars, without a limb, in a wheel chair or any other circumstances you begin to feel and see yourself different. I think back on Kenneth and he has left a lasting impression even after 30 years.
Like I say quite often, just get started and show up. Compare it to last week or last month. Look at the difference no matter how small. If you see a difference then you are on your way to making lasting habits.
Keep going, I’m proud of you. Until next time!
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