Last week I looked out some setbacks that have impacted my habit building and the identity I want to have. It’s good to look at things that didn’t pan out as expected. I am a firm believer in learning from your mistakes and setbacks. On the other hand, I truly believe it’s important to review and enjoy your success and progress.

I have always encouraged you to keep track of your progress, especially in writing down (or even put it in digitally in your phone). Having some kind of record with a date lets you see how you have come quite a way. It lets you enjoy the fruits of your labor and go back and review and enjoy it more than once. I’m not saying you have to journal (though I am not against that). I am encouraging you to keep a record of your progress.

This is partially the reason I started this blog, to keep a record, journal or accountability of some sort. Though I missed last Sunday over all I can see I have consistently written a post. I may not have many readers as of yet, but I appreciate the few I do have. I would have never thought someone would have interest in who I am and what I am doing with my life. Therefore, a big thank you to those who try to read and keep up with my posts. I have made progress with my posts and hope to continue on.

I look at other progresses I have made. Working out it is one of them. I went from 5 minutes at the gym to up to 40 minutes 3 to 4 times a week. I feel better and stronger. My endurance training has varied with running, walking and rucking. Now to walk 3 miles in 45 -50 minutes seems like little effort. I used to hate cardio (especially running) but it has grown on me. When I started out rucking with a 20lb pack I did a mile in 24 minutes. I have gotten a mile down to 17 minutes and I am so happy about that!

I am modifying my weightlifting to be more of a functional fitness workout and I can tell it is helping me. Walking upstairs or from my car, or even a slight run to my car to get something is really registering as no effort and no stiffness or soreness. I will have fill you in on how the functional part is going in a later post.

How about eating? One of my biggest challenges is to eat healthy consistently. I have had more successes than failures. I have been focusing on eating when I am truly hungry, not bored or stressed. It takes a lot of focus and determination to build that habit. I have eliminated highly processed sugar for the most part. There are times when I slip, but less of those times. I am trying to incorporate more vegetables and fruits in my eating routine. What about my blood sugar? I have been drinking two tablespoons of ground flaxseed with almond milk every day. I have read about cinnamon helping with blood sugar. So, I stir in a ¼ teaspoon with flaxseed and drink it down. I am also trying to drink one nice cup of green tea every day.

With what results? Well, I have lost 2.5 pounds. But even more amazing, two weeks ago I measured my blood sugar and it was 161. Last week it was 149. Today? 139! I am so pleased with the results and it makes me want to keep progressing. So, I have come up with new ideas and habits I want to implement.

Overall, I have had several successes despite any setbacks. I followed my motto, just show up and do the work. Just try is how I see it. Trying is better than doing nothing and skipping everything. If you watch any motivational videos or listen to any motivational speakers you will see that’s their mantra. Show up, do the work! So true. And I want to add to that write it down. It makes a tremendous impact on your effort and consistency.

Create a record or a journal of your own life. Start a blog. You will be amazed at the progress you can see and areas you need to improve it.

Habit building and ridding is truly a journey, one where getting there is as pleasant as actually arriving. Take a moment and think of something that has improved this week over last week. It doesn’t have to be this grand event. Think of something small, very small. Write it down. Then in an hour go back and look at it. In the morning when you wake up, look at it again. You will see success, you will see….progress!

Until next time my friends keep going, keep tracking, keep building habits and keep showing up! You are not alone, I’m here.

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